
“My web site which is not a year old yet has more than paid for itself. I must be honest and say that for the first 6 months I didn’t receive very many hits but after that things started to happen and I began to get jobs from it. One job alone paid for your services for the entire year. Yea I’m real happy!”

—- Thanks for your help. Tim Gardner, Genesis HC & Renovation Specialist, Mt. Vernon, Ohio


“They have done a great job with our website!! We receive lots of inquiries through our website they designed. Communication is awesome!”

—- Michelle M., Cruikshank Plumbing, Pataskala, Ohio


“I couldn’t be happier with the results my company has enjoyed the past two years from Media Partnership. My number one search results is only part of the story. Media Partnership is truly a partnership!! They enhanced my web presence to the point I’m going to have to hire staff to keep up with the work!”

—- Larry F., LRF Maintenance, Pickerington, Ohio